Al Equipo de doctores desplazados en Liberia se les ha realizado un reportaje con el fin de darle divulgación internacional.

Si quereís ver el video que de una de las operaciones se ha colgado en Youtube podeís verlo en la siguiente dirección:

Spanish Doctors performing a surgery to save the life of a liberian child.

Hay fotos del reportaje en:

Fotos del Reportaje sobre la 3ª Campaña de Cirugía Pediátrica en Liberia

Reportaje en International Press:
Monrovia-Liberia-West Africa- 28-01-2011

After passing trough two wars in two decades, Liberia, and Monrovia, its capital, are still trying to find a new path, for a new people’s life. Health is the top priority for Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , considering now, the recent dilemma of a bordering and troubled country like Ivory Coast. Even if the UN refugee acency, UNHCR, its continuing to complete the first camp for Ivorian refugees in Liberia, International Community is still worrying for the refugees effects, in order of sanitation and the possible and real, disease spreading.

But in Liberia, a small hospital has become, the main reference for the suffering people and in this case, even for foreign refugees like the Ivorian ones. In Monrovia, the St. Joseph Catholic Hospital, which was extablished in 1963 by the Hospitaller Order of the Brothers of St.John the God, a catholic religious institution with its Headquarters in Madrid,Spain, health has become the top priority.

The hospital MISSION is, springing from Christian values and holistic approach advocated and practiced by St. John of God, an important mission to provide healthcare services and to ensure that the people receive the highest quality care, treatment or assistance in accordance with the people needs. And since almost a decade,” POR AFRICA”, a small spanish NGO, fully dedicated to the children needs, is working, in collaboration with the religious catholic community, trying to give the best in healthcare.

And Liberians, have had given, to the very small spanish doctors surgery teams, the appelative of “HEROES WITHOUT BORDERS”. For the spanish doctors, who comes in Monrovia periodically to perform  children surgeries, life starts at six in the morning. The Monrovia St. Joseph Catholic Hospital, has a capacity of  141 beds, including pediatrics, internal medecine, surgery and obstetric snd gynecology.

This hospital, well known in all entire West Africa as  the “HEROES WITHOUT BORDERS HOSPITAL”, is located about 12 kilometres from downtown Monrovia, and has had become famous for the pediatric surgery department, mostly performed by the spanish NGO’s doctors of  “POR AFRICA”  a Madrid base non governmental organization.

Copyrigth: Piero Pomponi/World Focus